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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @atheistaaron I know this has gotten some down votes but just wanna thank you for your two cents anyway. It honestly was something we've been thinking about over the weekend but I think the biggest dilemma is that we're doubting we have the resources (money but moreover, time) for more training...
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @whipsaw Thank you!! Really needed to hear this. The email response from the rescue on Friday was pretty devastating and made it feel like we were totally irresponsible idiots. It's taken a couple days and the comfort from this thread to be able to rebound
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thanks! Yes she's crate trained and we have a baby gate, and often put her away when people come over, especially for repairmen etc. We kept trying to balance that with some interaction though, knowing that the less interaction she got, the less progress she'd make. (Should...
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @citfield Yeah great consideration about the dog being in pain. It seems pretty unlikely because she's been in great health otherwise from the vet, plenty of energy and appetite, and it's almost like Mr. Jekyll/Dr. Hyde with her and these incidents. Moments afterward she'll still come up and...
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @ajs_ Thank you for your response and for sharing your story! "She's bitten several people- how bad do the bites have to be before you make this decision?" This is exactly the thought that's been going through our heads frankly for some time already but the past month has really confirmed it for us.
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @malaps Thank you for sharing your story. Must have been so hard.
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @jok That comparison to cancer is a really helpful way to think about it. Very helpful reframe! Appreciate your response so much and I'm so glad your hard work paid off with your pup!
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @hammer118928 Thank you so much - your quick response was exactly what we needed to hear on Saturday.
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    TL;DR We are feeling stuck on what to do about our 6 yo, 20 lb herding dog mix with now 6 level 3 bites. Rehoming isn’t an option, we could possibly keep her for up to another year but that no longer feels safe or manageable either, is BE the route? Please be kind, we already feel like we...