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  1. R

    My little rescue Yorkie has been peeing inside frequently after being spayed while in heat. Groomer today said it smells like ammonia. Is this normal?

    @wandafaith Peeing inside suddenly is a bad sign. Go to the vet. There is no advice that can be given to fix this other than to go to the vet
  2. R

    My puppy won't stop eating poop, it's ruining my relationship with my fiancé

    @kylein Poop eating is absolutely NOT normal for a pup. It’s called coprophagia. From a quick google search for anyone who has 15 seconds: “There's a scientific name for a dog's habit of eating poop—coprophagia (kop-ruh-fey-jee-uh)—and also both behavioral and physiological reasons why some...