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  1. S

    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    @baohomotorprovn250932 We found that our local cemetery is pet friendly (just be respectful and stay on the main path and don't let your pup potty on the graves or headstones). It's very quiet and anyone else that's there with a dog is there for the same reason. (We all give each other a HUGE...
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    What kinds of things would you like to see from a gym, pet supply shop or other business that caters to reactive dogs?

    @applefaceee Edited to add: I can't get your link to work My idea: Sniff spots are awesome, but most of them are outdoors. I live in a climate where we usually have snow half the year and the city does a terrible job of keeping the sidewalks cleared. (My dog would be fine, I on the other hand...
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    Fluoxetine Expectations

    @rengb121 What dosage is he on? With my dog (standard poodle, 40lbs) he took 20mg for years and when he started it wasn't a specific "hey this is definitely working" but a gradual or subtle way of recovering from a stressful event (for example when it used to take 2 minutes to calm down and...
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    I have a lot of anxiety about using my #7 blade and I can’t seem to get over it

    @chaz1268 To clarify, you are using a finishing blade (has an F next to the number) correct? If the dog is matted, there are some areas on the body that might get caught in the skin (tuckup, ears, and armpits) so I always switch to a #10 on those areas.