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  1. B

    Am I being unrealistic? (ACD in Apartment)

    @thanushpoulsen Also check out Project Freedom Ride! They bring pets from overfull shelters in Texas to homes in the PNW - this is how I adopted my cattle dog mix! He was in an overfull foster home in Texas during the pandemic, and Project Freedom Ride drove him and a bunch of other pets from...
  2. B

    Fostering a Heeler - I’m an ACD noob

    @dani My 4yr old ACD mix has always had trouble with “appropriate” play cues like bowing etc., from the time he was a puppy, and it took him being corrected by my MiL’s 150lb Leonburger before he really started to learn the “sneeze to disengage”. He still doesn’t play bow, but he will tend to...