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  1. T

    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @adislov Thanks. Super hard decision to make, it feels impossible to decide without knowing what the right choice is here. I want to wait it out, but it’s more a question of CAN I wait it out at this point. Sigh. Thankfully my coworkers are understanding, but makes it even worse that I’m...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @rubesrubio She does, but the trainer advised against letting her continue to do that because we don’t want her to rely on me to go to sleep. Instead, to try to enforce naps, I will turn the lights off and turn on music so she knows it’s time to relax, after making sure she’s had plenty of...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @alexm961 Thank you! Man, I knew it’d be hard, but reality has really hit me these past couple of weeks haha. I wish I could go back in time and see how good I had it. There is nothing like finishing a long day of work and sitting in the middle of the couch with my two other dogs at my side. I...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @mrcjd3 Did you have any similar issues? The general consensus around here is that things get better if you figure out the root of your problem and solve it. But there’s nothing else I can really do to solve this without weeks/months of training with a professional to help her through it, which...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @drlp This comment really touched me. Thank you. I guess I’m downplaying it in my mind a bit because it was just a fleeting thought, but that’s still an issue and can escalate if I’m not careful. I thought it was just puppy blues at first, but it gets worse each day and it’s clear it’s escalated...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @jessicastone Thanks for sharing your experience! Best case scenario, the training starts to click with her. If we can just get her to that point where she isn’t hurting herself when we step away, even if we have to deal with her destroying things, it will totally change everything. I really do...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @faithfulmommy I really appreciate this. Our vet advised that we reach out to a trainer ASAP, so we’ve been working with one. He said her case is pretty rough because she has a lot of issues with impulse control, and is willing to harm herself to escape, so that makes it difficult. He suggested...
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    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @faithfulmommy That’s the thing that hurts so much. She’s incredibly smart and I know things will get better with time. But not being able to have her confined in any way has made every other aspect of training that much harder, and it’s not sustainable. I was ready for the work, but this is...
  9. T

    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    Update, Jan 23: After I made this post, I spoke with the breeder and told her I was struggling and asked her for advice. She was amazing, giving me advice about some of the issues we’ve been having, but also said that she wants us to be happy, and that she would be there if we decided that now...