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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @ponkblossom3 Oh, I just realized that you edited it haha! Clever mate
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @ponkblossom3 I'm gonna have to pass on this one, thanks though
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @trr Thanks for the answers! I'll definitely need to associate her cage more with positive things because she will actively try and move away from us if she senses we're trying to put her in her cage. I also never even knew about stuffed kongs - they're amazing! Thanks again!
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @puzzles I'll definitely look more into training, and good tip on the stall mat. Thanks!
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @slython Taking her on more walks actually is a really good idea, and I'll be sure to look up crate training. Thanks mate!
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @chrissyboy First off, you would be very right in saying that I'm young. Thankfully though, I'm old enough to walk her alone! Walking her in the morning could be a bit challenging because I have to leave for school at about 6:45 AM, but I could probably find a way to walk her beforehand. I also...
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    Every weekday, everyone in my house goes out to work or school. Everyone is gone by 8:30 AM, and no one is home until about 4:30 PM. This leaves our pets without us for a whole 8 hours. We have four pets, but three of them are completely fine without us at home. What I'm asking about is our...