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  1. 2

    Reactive, anxious 6 month old Border Collie x 1/4 Cattle Dog starting Fluoxetine. How long does it take for it to work?

    @theway2631 I have a reactive 10 month old border collie mix. 2 things: 1) if you aren't already crate training your dog, do it. Giving the pup a safe space and a place for you to enforce relaxation is huge. Agree with another commenter that you should dial back the activity and let your pup...
  2. 2

    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @lilith_eve I really appreciate you posting this. We have been training R+ for 6 months with my frustrated greeter. She’s on clonidine and fluoxetine and her reactivity on leash hasn’t changed at all. Loses her mind barking at any dog within 100 ft. Our trainer who is excellent has brought up...
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    New dog, q about fluoxetine

    @cwb01 You are still within the 3-3-3 window so this behavior seems normal. It could also be that he's getting more comfortable with you and that means showing more of his real feelings about going outside. My dog is on fluoxetine and I don't think the increase y'all did would necessarily be...