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  1. B

    Has anyone ever had a vet be suspicious of cancer, but it ended up being something less sinister?

    @tobelieveinhim Oh, and personal experience for a case-in-point, my bud had BPH bad, from not being neutered (long story) and manifested dripping blood. Doc went straight to the canine PSA test to rule out cancer before going to the neuter as a hormonal fix.
  2. B

    Has anyone ever had a vet be suspicious of cancer, but it ended up being something less sinister?

    @tobelieveinhim Whatever the outcome, be here now, with your pup. Your pup is looking to you, so keep that positive energy and love flowing! I sure am trying to!
  3. B

    Has anyone ever had a vet be suspicious of cancer, but it ended up being something less sinister?

    @tobelieveinhim Yes. Diagnostics is a process of elimination in search of confirmation. You always eliminate the worst-case scenario first. Standard medical practice, human or animal. Example: patient with chest pain in the ER. The 1st test run is not a stomach acid measurement, even...