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  1. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @kittyc THANKS YOU SO MUCH. Awesome tips. I feel like this is the type of stuff that works for my dog. So, I'm in reading it al correctly, it should go like this: Dog sniffs grass, Leash is tight, I hold still and don't give in, but wait for him to check in with me, then reward and after...
  2. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @kittyc Do you maybe also have some tips for me/my dog when we pass a grassy of planty area, which makes my dog act incredibly obsessed with sniffing, rendering me and anything I say as non existent? He also has this with plants/bushes pretty much everywhere. Most of his leash pulling comes from...
  3. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @kittyc Yup, my dog. Lol. I do feel this desensitization/CC work I'm doing is already showing some progress. Some triggers more than others. Humans are almost neutral to him now, but humans kicking a ball makes him nuts (like justnow). The ball was likely the trigger here. He loves to play...
  4. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @kittyc Thanks so much for sharing. Interesting backstory about your life with dogs. What you said about staring is interesting too. I'm always rewarding him for check-ins. Now, lately, I have been feeding him his kibble during training and especially walks. He seems more food motivated...
  5. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @kittyc Wow. I never thought of it like this. Makes so much sense now. In this same paraphraph, did I read correctly that you basically only treat once the dog is looking back at you after looking at the trigger for a while? Not treating the moment the dog locks onto the trigger? Makes...
  6. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @kittyc Wow, thanks so much for this in depth reply! Very helpful stuff! This makes a lot of sense! I often actually do this unplanned. Leash goes tense, I stand still, and I wait for him to step towards me (even just 1 step) and then, like you said, I go forward again. It's getting better...
  7. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    @mercyfollowsme Thanks for sharing! It's really interesting stuff. I suppose there's always room for some improvement in the stages of counter conditioning. I've really only been working more on it the last few weeks. I really like your "Treat and retreat" game! It seems like a very good...
  8. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    Hey all, I'm looking for some more guidance regarding my 16 month old male Stabyhoun+Australian shepherd mix. What I'm working on a lot right now, is trying to make him react/feel different about things. He used to get worked up (staring, sometimes lunging, pulling) at things like...