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  1. K

    My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

    @audreynicole Hello! I really appreciate your answer! Thank you! She got her appetite back last day we give her boiled white rice and boiled chicken breast every few hours is small quantities and water every hour. She still have diarrhea it used to be once a day but after she got her appetite...
  2. K

    My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

    @audreynicole She had veterinarian treatment the first 4 days they said they have a lot of experience with parvo and that the treatment last 4 days and we need to take care of her now and make her eat. She used to puke a lot everything she eat and everyday improved now haven't puked anything and...
  3. K

    My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

    @dharmmy Hello! I appreciate your answer! Her appetite came back this morning and I give her blended white rice with chicken breast, but she still have diahhria but only once a day but a lot. I've heard about fasting for 24h and giving her rice water. What do you think?
  4. K

    My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

    Hello! My 5 old month got sick from parvovirus 8 days ago we take it to veterinarian and had treatment for 4 days and they said that was the treatment and to take her home and try slowly feeding her and giving water. The problem is she don't have absolutely any appetite and we have to forcefully...