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  1. E

    Best Enrichment/Distraction Training Toy Ever:

    So, I got this singing, light up crab toy that runs around your house. It also has sensors. Easiest way to give a dog extra physical or mental stimulation ever. I’ll post the link below.
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @airamnire Thank you so much for the info. This sounds interesting, and I’m willing to learn more about it.
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @airamnire Could you tell me what fear free is? It’s a newer term to me. Also, the all positive trainer we worked with claimed she’s been training for over twenty years, but all she could do for the problem of my Chihuahua mix being resource aggressive to my herder, was recommend adaptil...
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @godly_wife Also, how much can I expect to pay for a consult? My vet just said it’s pricey but didn’t give a figure.
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @godly_wife It would be great to talk over dm. Thank you so much.
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @godly_wife I’ll definitely consider that. That might be a good idea. Do all the behavior consultants have a lot of experience with dogs? I know anyone can call themselves a dog trainer these days. Not that you guys would, but I’ve run into my fair share of trainers who didn’t know what they...
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @godly_wife Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I probably won’t reach out to you guys for another week or two. My vet gave us a lot of tips and training protocols to work on. I want to work on that first and see if it helps some. We will probably still reach out.
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @godly_wife Thank you so much for reaching out. My vet wants my dog and I to do a consult with you guys to discuss training options for my dog. What is a typical appointment like? Do you guys suggest training at the appointment? Someone told me that all a veterinary behaviorist does is dope a...
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    My vet is referring my dog and I to a veterinary behaviorist for some issues and my vet is recommending we discuss various training programs we’re looking into with her. Her name is Dr. Amanda Florsheim. I read the info on her site, and I’m seeing words like force free and fear free. I went to...