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  1. W

    Tomorrow I take our reactive Corgi back to the breeder and my wife and I are devastated. This is our story

    @sacredword The breeder sounds like the entire problem. Clearly C's issues are genetic considering the lack of trauma in their upbringing. I have had a few purebred dogs and I've had only one mutt and the mutt is by far the chilliest good boy I've ever had the pleasure to parent. He's made up of...
  2. W

    Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

    @ozzijez This post has me balling B 🥺 My puppy is gonna be that age in a year and I feel like we're just getting to know and love each other. I'm so sorry for your loss that shit is heartbreaking.
  3. W

    Tomorrow I take our reactive Corgi back to the breeder and my wife and I are devastated. This is our story

    @foreverhis84 I don't even want kids plus I am an avid dog lover and even I agree with this statement. No innocent little child should ever have to be worried about being attacked by a reactive dog. It will end poorly for both the child and the dog and could result in death for either. People...
  4. W

    Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

    @dragonfly34 Same! He's only 18 months and I would lose my entire fucking shit. 2+ yrs is not nearly enough.