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  1. Z

    Is this sketchy?

    @step_by_step Because he describes alpha theory as his guiding principle for dog training. He says that he uses positive reinforcement, but then just describes alpha theory. Even if he’s using positive reinforcement exclusively (which I’m guessing he doesn’t), he’s still basing his whole...
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    What are your "top 3" tips?

    @breatheme Just one that I haven’t seen yet: Love your dog and be nice to them! They most often don’t understand why you’re yelling at them, and even if they did, like others have said, they’re not giving you a hard time, they’re having a hard time.
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    Is this sketchy?

    @step_by_step I wouldn't touch that place with a ten foot pole. He gives lip service to positive reinforcement, but then talks all about alpha theory when you read on.
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    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    @dawnikki True, I understand that, same.
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    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    @dawnikki Rather than blocking my dog, I usually just immediately turn around and get us out of the situation. I realize that’s not always possible of course, but that’s my first option in most cases. He wants, more than anything in that moment, to just get out of there, so that’s what we do.
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    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @washedcleannyc Wait what?! Your dog learned to poop in the toilet all on his own?!
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    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    @awretchlikeme This is really lovely, I’m always moved to see people that really care for reactive dogs like this! I’d say keep doing what you’re doing and be patient, it’ll take him a while to feel at home with you. The other biggest thing that goes without saying a lot of the time, is to just...
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    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    @imagebeastmarkbeast No worries, that’s what the sub is here for, to help people and dogs!
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    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    @imagebeastmarkbeast The recommended dosage range is 0.5-0.9 mg per pound of body weight per day I believe. So for an 80 pound dog, 20mg is way below the recommend range. Obviously defer to the vet when it comes to dosages, but it may be worth bringing up to adjust her dosage.
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    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    @thelightshow Not sure yet. I’d love to wean off eventually, but I’m not too worried about it right now. If he does need to be on it the rest of his life, that’s fine. As I understand it, lots of dogs stay on for their whole life and lots wean off eventually. I can clearly see how much it...
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    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    @crystalplant That’s so great! Just wanted to voice my support too! I see and talk to so many people that are averse to anti-anxiety medication for their dog. And ya, it shouldn’t be the first thing you try, and it’s not a silver bullet that fixes everything, but holy shit it’s amazing. My dog...
  12. Z

    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @luvpinky Ya, we hear so much about how important it is to give your dog a job right? Like everyone understands that for herding breeds especially. My dog is a mix of one breed bred to retrieve birds and one bred to hunt small game through underbrush. He needs a “job” too, just needs a different...
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    Straddling the line between DOES YOUR DOG WANT TO SAY HI and U-TURN

    @elizabeda777 You’re not overstepping anything if you’re respecting their personal space and ask politely, that’s exactly what we have language for! As a reactive dog owner, even if you come too close for my dog’s comfort and he starts barking, as long as you’re not rude about it, I’m still...
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    My wonderful first day with Toccio-

    @awretchlikeme That’s great, sounds like you’re doing everything right, glad he seems to be doing so well!!
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    Fluoxetine Expectations

    @rengb121 I think I brought it up to my vet after 4-6 weeks, but my vet wanted to wait until he’d been on fluoxetine for 2 months before adjusting dosage. My dog was also on a very low dose. The suggest range is 0.5-0.9 mg per pound of body weight. My dog is ~50 pounds and they started him on...
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    Fluoxetine Expectations

    @rengb121 That can be frustrating, but don’t expect sunshine and money falling from the sky. I noticed a much slower, much subtler change in my dog, but it’s still been a huge improvement! It improves his behavior directly to some degree, but I’ve noticed that for my dog, the far bigger effect...
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    What a day!

    @jadesilvershadow My dog used to much prefer this way – meeting new people slowly by taking a walk together outside or meeting at a park first. I don't know what changed, but now he does much better meeting people for the first time inside my house. I'm sure that you're right for your...