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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @radam7 Lol sounds about right. Ours is pretty good about the crate, I almost think she prefers it, but loves to sprint out the back door and lay on the couch.
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @imagebeastmarkbeast No I was just saying hopefully she gets to play hard until her last day. From what I understand, best case she avoids infection, has no ligament damage, and her shoulder blade can heal without hardware. We really have no idea what is to come, need to see the orthopedic...
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I am hoping she will get to as well
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @kethi On the fusion aspect. I’m really trying to drill it into the surgeons head that she is FAST, and makes HARD cuts and stops that i won’t be able to stop her from doing every time. The recovery time, re-injury risk, and infection risk will be the three biggest factors we take into...
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @kethi No attempt to stitch anything yet. Idk about other peoples cattle dogs but her shoulder muscles are massive and they seemingly took a lot of the damage. If you look at my 2nd Imgur link you can see what she impaled herself on and you can imagine how deep the wound is. Right now it’s one...
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @kethi Lol thanks for the thoughts! I’ll throw an update together
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @kethi That is actually where we ended up. Drive down sucked. Lots of whining and whimpering but she’s finally there. Waiting to hear what our options are.
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @kethi Did yours have the amputation while with you or did you adopt afterward? If the former, how did you deal with the recovery.
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @prayerorprayer Updated the main post earlier. Latest is hoping to hear from Ohio state tomorrow morning
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @prayerorprayer Thank you. She has massive shoulder muscles, and maybe because of that she’s pretty tight up there. I am worried that she has other joint issues that have never been diagnosed, but we will see. I was actually keeping her from swimming that day to avoid getting swimmers tail like...
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @oceanoasis Thank you. Tbh I’m already occasionally smiling at the thought of her being okay on 3, but we are still waiting for the next step
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @geneva0703 Very good info. Never thought about sedatives before and I can guarantee I will be doing the same about infection. Thank you again 🙏🙏
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @geneva0703 Wow how expensive was that? More importantly, how did you keep her under control? Historically we have told our vet no to pain meds because with them she remains way too active. Im not going to know what else to beside keep her crated all day and that sounds awful
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @gingerr Thank you for sharing, as terrible as that story sounds, that is very encouraging
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you for the kind words. I’ve always imagined she would die either running face first into something or from her heart exploding. Never imagined something in-between would happen. I’ve thrown a frisbee like that thousands of times, hundreds with that car in the same...
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    @hethatreadethit Thank you
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    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    Yesterday, in a freak accident that I am having a hard time not blaming myself for, my 6 year old female blue heeler ran into the edge of a cars exposed front bumper beam. She was chasing a frisbee that I threw and hit my project car that was sitting in my neighbors driveway. Imagine a metal...