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  1. H

    Used the “he’s not friendly!” line for the first time

    @rosenbloom No, I get what you’re saying. The commenter you responded to said that people shouldn’t let their own dogs run up to yours without consent. Shouldn’t… but they do. Morons. I don’t know how many times some with an off-leash dog has let theirs rampage up to us, giggling, saying “He’s...
  2. H

    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @josier Lol I cracked up at the Tragic Look line. Leo’s never made that face in response to snow, but he HAS made it. Mostly when he realizes that yes, I am going to eat the rest of the food on my plate and no, he’s not going to get any; or, yes, I am going to keep spraying him with the shower...
  3. H

    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @josier Where the hell do you live and why?! Humanity wasn’t meant to exist in -50 degree weather! You are a stronger person than I am lol. I tap out out at 20 degrees. Do you have booties for your dogs? I recently moved to the east coast from the south (US) and we’ve had a bit of snow here...