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    Dry dog food advice

    @steve73v Dog food is regulated by the FDA.
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    does this sound like a bad situation?

    @seaweed09 Don't let your fears mess up totally normal dog behavior. Well said. I want to add that being humped or charged at from behind and giving a correction is very different from resource gaurding. J is being a good dog and they are protecting themselves from unwanted behavior. Your dog...
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    Dog can’t get up after sedation

    @agoodfriend I am so so sorry that you're going through this. I don't have any advice but I want you to know that you're doing an amazing job taking care of your baby.
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    Food Advice

    @warrior1 r/rawpetfood might be a better place (although they are very pro raw and anti kibble). Generally speaking, raw is difficult if you're doing it the right way and balancing everything properly. Hiring a nutritionist is what I usually recommend to dog owners hopefully you can find...
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    Feeding a dog w/o commercial foods

    @mae9 Only olive oil, pork, and rice is not even close to enough for a nutritionally balanced diet. If you want to do a fresh or homemade diet look at brands like Just Food For Dogs. They sell fresh frozen and also have a diy recipe that needs a nutritional additive.
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    Looking for a nutritionist’s/scientist’s opinion on product quality

    @xavier363 I am very interested in pet nutrition. It's a complicated topic and there is a lot of misinformation, I do my best. I love my dogs, I want to give them a healthy happy life with a well balanced diet.
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    Looking for a nutritionist’s/scientist’s opinion on product quality

    @xavier363 The food I buy for my dogs comes from Just Food For Dogs. They have a board certified veterinary nutritionist, Board certified veterinary toxicologist, Board certified veterinary dermatologist, and lots of other qualified veterinarians that are also in my opinion "the smartest in the...
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    Looking for a nutritionist’s/scientist’s opinion on product quality

    @xavier363 Local vets do not get a kick back but the WSAVA sure does. It says so on their website. I think its interesting that people really believe they are the "smartest people in the industry". The food is fine. There's nothing wrong with it. I chose to make better choices for my dogs...
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    Looking for a nutritionist’s/scientist’s opinion on product quality

    @xavier363 It's just one of the reasons I whole heartledy don't trust the WSAVA recommendations. They are the vets that get a kick back on pet foods. It says on the WSAVA website that they are sponsored financially by these brands, and they are the only ones they advertise and supporting. Its...
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    Looking for a nutritionist’s/scientist’s opinion on product quality

    @plamp Royal Canin- owned by Mars (candy company) Purina - owned by Nestle (another candy/cereal company) Hills - owned by Colgate (toothpaste company)
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    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @bandiron Just remember that what your adding should be under 10% of the total diet. Beef is great and eggs are great but they aren't fully balanced so they will throw off the balance of the kibble.
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    I’m so frustrated l, he must have eaten so much food

    @aramazd I was just giving an example (using my dogs experience). I'm glad the pup is gonna be okay!
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    I’m so frustrated l, he must have eaten so much food

    @cory_a_jenk Having food scarcity at a young age. I rescued my dog at 12 weeks, she was an owner surrender and malnourished when we got her. Breed can play a role in some dogs (mine is a beagle mix lol, they tend to eat everything). All dogs are different though.
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    I’m so frustrated l, he must have eaten so much food

    @aramazd My dog would have done the same thing. Put the food somewhere inaccessible, behind a closed door of possible. Because it's dog food (heavily depending on the amount consumed) they will probably be okay. I would try to guess based on what's left to see how much they ate and let the...