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  1. S

    When do they..

    @bliz5 I do try to take mine on a lot of walks. She does do better with walks and dog park runs, but she's definitely got the selective hearing.
  2. S

    When do they..

    @mbch Yeah, definitely! She's got lots of things to chew on, but she just wants to go out and run. I tried a small walk earlier this week but she kept rolling around in the grass that we had to cut it short, since I don't want her tearing her stitches.
  3. S

    When do they..

    @mbch Haha gotcha. I call it her puppy brain. I feel like she just has so much energy she just doesn't know what to do with it all. She just got spayed so our days consist of lounging around and she hates it xD
  4. S

    When do they..

    @aubreyrose When not getting over a spay, she gets at least 5 walks a week. Usually two are several hours long. We play tug a lot and do a lot of mini agility training (I have a tunnel that I make her race through). Dog park runs were anywhere from 2 to 3 times a week.
  5. S

    When do they..

    @chefziti Yep!! My girl likes to listen for half a second, then soon as my back is turned, she has ran off to get into trouble xD And she knows she's not supposed to because she acts all happy as she does it. They're definitely amazing dogs that's for sure!
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    When do they..

    @chefziti We've gone through two full classes for puppies. She did really well. It's not that she doesn't know what I want from her, she just wants to do it on her terms xD
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    When do they..

    @aubreyrose Yeah, I've been trying to come up with fun activities for when it's too rainy to go on walks (she hates the rain xD). Most days we do at least 2 hours of walking, several times a week I take her on a 3-5 hour walk.
  8. S

    When do they..

    @aubreyrose Yeah, she's done two sets of classes, I want to do more but the trainer we're going through won't start for abother month or so. She's 100% crate trained. Usually she has exercise, it's just hard with her spay. She was in heat previous to her spay which made it even harder. So...
  9. S

    When do they..

    When do ACDs officially outgrow their crazy puppiness? My girl turns 11 months in 2 weeks, and she still acts like the crazy 9 week old pup that I got xD She's got very selective hearing and doesn't always like to do as she's told, she loves jumping on people and no matter how consistent I am...