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    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    @kittyc Thank you! Appreciate it
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    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    @kittyc Thank you for this comment. It almost sounds like you've met my dog in person lol. We do think he has a wide range of emotions when he sees dogs. When he sees a dog outside when we're in the car he looks excited, terrified, and anxious all at the same time. I think we'll avoid the car...
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    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    @nobeardlady I'm blown away by your in depth comment and am immensely grateful. Thank you so much and yes I am looking into a behaviorist. You are incredible
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    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    @nobeardlady Thank you for your thoughtful response, I really appreciate it. We are going to start muzzle training. A quick follow up question I had is how do I teach him to look at me when he's distracted? When he's home he's great at looking, sitting, staying, etc. However, when we walk him...
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    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    @slr Hi thank you for the response. His eyes are definitely a bit cloudy. And he lifted the dog and looked like he was going to shake her but I ran there as fast as I could. The shelter didn't mention any issues with him. In fact, they said that he was friendly. We're thinking now that he...
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    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    Hello everyone, My wife and I just adopted an 11 year old dog from the shelter. I'm not sure what breed he is so I'll include a photo of him instead: Brian I'll answer some of the questions I saw in the questionnaire for the sub: - We just got him a week ago, which I know is not a long...