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  1. M

    Recall training methods

    @vdenni Agh well that did not give me confidence lol. I’ll check out the channel, thanks!
  2. M

    Recall training methods

    @vdenni Did you do ecollar training yourself? Is there a good video that instructs how to introduce it to your dog? I’d like to try it with my dog ideally without paying for a trainer but I’ll do what I must
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    Puppy will not settle

    @justalittleone It’s up to you if you want to start fresh. If you want to use what you already have just start by guiding your pup to the bed while you’re watching tv or something. And feed him some kibble every time he gets on it. Then when he gets used to it don’t give him kibble until he stay...
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    Puppy will not settle

    @justalittleone Unless I’m forgetting or misreading something he gets two enforced naps that totals 4ish hours? He can def sleep more. Also you should train the place command to help him learn how to settle down. I used to keep my dogs cot next to my desk when he was a puppy while he wore a slip...
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    Puppy will not settle

    @justalittleone More naps and I second taking your dog out for something more “intense”. I used to take my dog on walks during the day when he was young too but then I realized when I started his off leash training that after letting him run around sniffing and coming when called (not much...
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    Older puppy (3 months F) would not stop following younger (1.5-2 months M) puppy, humping him, and biting him

    @euphilia Not a pro but your older one is over aroused plus a puppy. If it were me I would literally just hang out with them to keep the older one off the other until they figure out how to control themselves.