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  1. S

    Best collar to stop barking?

    @boatjourney Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately relocating her isn’t an option. Maybe something else will come up soon.
  2. S

    Best collar to stop barking?

    @bprice I totally get what your saying. I shoulda said it’s not my dog. I love other peoples dogs, but it’s impossible to love this one. Getting 3-4 hrs of sleep countless nights probably has something to do with that. Also she’s mentally ill. Extremely bipolar. It’s just hard to love this dog...
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    Best collar to stop barking?

    @annaliseh I don’t care, you’re right. After getting countless nights of 3-4 hours of sleep, it’s hard to have compassion. It isn’t my dog which is why I can’t “find it another home”. Even if I could it would be impossible. She bites everyone who isn’t, well, us… She’s even bits grandparent...
  4. S

    Best collar to stop barking?

    I need suggestions on a collar that can stay on all the time and stops a dog from barking all the time. Beep, vibrate, shock, it doesn’t matter. I’d love to hear from those who’ve had success with them. Before anyone attacks me, you should probably understand the situation. We have an outside...