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    It gets so much better

    @somodad I feed her a cup of Natural Balance Small Breed everyday. I'm lucky in that her frame is and has always been fairly small. She's also extremely energetic and zooms around, either by herself, with me, or with my roommates' other dog.
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    It gets so much better

    @bourge That's very natural! As callous as it may sound, she will get over it and it's for her own good. I made the decision when I got Ripley that I did not want her to sleep with me in the bed starting out. Pugs are known for separation anxiety (which Ripley still has to some extent) and I...
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    It gets so much better

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I felt the same! I had a miniature schnauzer growing up, and I became spoiled at how low maintenance she was as an adult. I don't think Ripley is at that same point yet, but she's enough of the way there where it's not a constant stress for me to have her. She's currently...
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    It gets so much better

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Hey, I totally get it. Pugs are as stubborn as they are sweet. They can be immensely annoying to train, but they're also very predictable in that they're almost singlemindedly food-motivated. Use that to your advantage. That combined with repetition means they do eventually...
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    It gets so much better

    @jesuslover20021234 I felt so guilty doing anything out at first but you do kind of shrug your shoulders after a while and accept that they're going to get over it. Ripley used to scream in her cage every single minute she was in there. But one day she fell asleep. Then would be asleep a little...
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    It gets so much better

    @jimmyh214 The fact of the matter is that you're never going to be able to perfect your dog, and while of course he matters, he has to fit into your life. It's kind of like a child; if you're waiting on them hand and foot for everything, they get used to it. I've known people whose dogs will...
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    It gets so much better

    Hey guys. So I have a now 2 year old Pug named Ripley. I'm a 27 year old single guy living with some roommates. I got Ripley as a puppy knowing I'd be the only one really taking care of her. It freaked me out. I pored over this subreddit for way too long, worried about if I had done the right...