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  1. J

    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod It does that with some kind of fur, you have to press a bit more or pull the skin while shaving. Using it on freshly washed and fully dried fur also helps You could try with a 5 if you have one, it's one of my favorite tbh, an easy but nice short length
  2. J

    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod A 10 is okay but keep in mind it's VERY short, honestly I've never shaved a dog completely with a 10, it's very unusual where I work. if you have choices I'd shave him with a 7 or even a 5 or 4 if you do it at home and can shave as often as you want to keep him short, should irritate...