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    Scratching and pulling hair out

    @bella304 Sorry, I missed that he has dry too! No, not all dogs even eat wet food. Many just eat dry. Watch to make sure the menthol doesn't bother the spot. Vick's has camphor, though, which is actually an anti-itch agent. I have the same aversion.
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    Scratching and pulling hair out

    @bella304 Chicken alone won't give him the nutrition he needs but if you get into the vet soon, it should be fine for a day or two. Typically vets suggest white rice to go with the chicken as a belly filler when they have upset stomach. If green beans help fill him up, all the better. In the...
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    Developing Healthy Treating Habits for Pup

    @rossandsue With so many packaged dog treat and food recalls in the past few years, it's hard to know what to trust off the shelf. I personally buy local as much as possible (typically freeze-dried chicken necks, cheese, dried salmon skins, or beef lung) just because I know the standards adhered...
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    New dog trainer interview - these are giant red flags, correct?

    @elohim This subreddit's stance on Cesar can be found here. That about sums it up for us.
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    X-Post - Dog has red lump- Does this warrant a trip to the vet?

    @justanotherhypocrite It wasn't there at noon? I'd bring him to the vet as soon as you can. No chance it's a tick? Your photo is pretty blurry.
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    My puppy stopped eating! He may also have

    @catherine_of_the_faith Hey, I'd pop over to /r/AskVet with your results. They'll have a better read on things. Did the vet recommend bland dieting (boiled chicken and white rice)? That's pretty common with minor infections and upset tummies. Is he drinking?
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    Great Dane puppy seems a bit gimpy, doesn't want to stand up after naps.. Normal? x-post to r/greatdanes

    @ladykay Those foxtails are so hard on their feet. If you're in an area that has a lot of them, it won't hurt to check her nostrils and ears now and then too. Dastardly little things get lodged everywhere. I'm really, really glad she's better now. I've never owned a giant breed pup, but I...
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    Adopted a husky mix, she eats for a few days, then stops eating for a few. Should I do anything different?

    @oddpilgrim Don't be! No need. I only replied because you mentioned being new to reddit comments. Your words are still readable!
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    Great Dane puppy seems a bit gimpy, doesn't want to stand up after naps.. Normal? x-post to r/greatdanes

    @ladykay Poor girl. Limping in dane pups immediately makes me think of pano (I'm not a vet!), but she's on the younger side for pano. It's certainly possible, though. The good news with pano is it's very treatable with medication and sometimes a change in diet. Limping in adult dogs after rest...
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    Adopted a husky mix, she eats for a few days, then stops eating for a few. Should I do anything different?

    @oddpilgrim In case you didn't know, there's a formatting help box under your comment as you make it. If there's a space between the "A." and the first letter of the sentence, it may help. Same for "1" and "My" and so on. 2 spaces at the end of a line will start a new line beneath the current...
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    How do i get started with a raw diet for a beagle?

    @danrisk Hi, sorry you didn't get responses to this topic here. The good news is there is a sub that may be great help - /r/rawpetfood.
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    Teaching a casual heel

    @tiger65 Why behind you, if you don't mind me asking? If a dog's behind you you can't see what she's looking at/reacting to, chewing, or if she's trying to stop to relieve herself. That said, it's definitely possible. Loose leash behind you is harder since you can't see her approach but reward...