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  1. J

    1 Year old GSD bites and does not like to get pet

    @williamharland So I just wanted to give a quick update, poking back of the throat does the job with mouthing, she stops and seems like she will eventually stop mouthing like that, but the issue is that she sometimes snaps instead of mouthing so basically she will quickly bite like an alligator...
  2. J

    1 Year old GSD bites and does not like to get pet

    @williamharland Hey! Thank you for replying :) Yep I've tried the first method and it didn't work but I haven't tried poking, seems like something that could actually work, will see how it goes! :)
  3. J

    1 Year old GSD bites and does not like to get pet

    Hello guys, Before I explain my issue, just want to apologize for any grammar issues since English is not my first language. This is my first ever time posting on reddit but I think this is the only option I've got atm. I've got her when she was 2 months old, she's 12 months old now and she's...