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  1. A

    Vent on rehoming

    @johndoe590 I can understand your rationale regarding the age and family status but I feel it’s still irrelevant. As a single woman in my upper forties with no kids at home (they are grown and live elsewhere), I would not be able or choose to keep a dog who had certain behavioral issues either...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @johndoe590 First of all, I find it interesting that you felt compelled to point out the neighbor’s age, apparent lack of children, and relationship status. All of these things are irrelevant to dog ownership and seem ageist and specifically judgemental, to say the least. Secondly, unless you...
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    Increased barking inside and in the yard

    Hey all. My 18 m/o boy has ramped up his barking inside the house and in the yard. He rarely barks away from home (although he is frustrated greeter on-leash around other dogs, but that’s another issue). He’s been treated for anxiety with a non-sedating dose of Trazodone for about 6 months which...