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  1. P

    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    @baohomotorprovn250932 We go on walks at 5am and if we see dogs, they’re easier to get away from and less likely we’ll run into a second right after. Also - it’s comforting to hear someone with your former opinion and dog experience say how hard this is. Thanks for sharing that with us.
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @fandre1992 Love that! The fun is within the mutual agreement and necessary presence of you both ❤️
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @kjbbeliever I’m wondering if she has any collie in her. Waiting on DNA results. She’s 11 but she is high energy with toys and balls!
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    Does your dog sleep in your bed?

    @coachboone73 I want to care about this and thought I would, just like her licking my face. Turns out I don’t care. And still agree it’s gross! 😂 Luckily she doesn’t want to sleep under the covers, and she eventually jumps off the bed once we’ve tested her patience too many times by moving.
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @paulbee Thank you! Yeah I wish. If I knew a trail I could take her for a long walk where we wouldn’t see anyone I would. But I live in Los Angeles so it’s kind of a non option
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    I started rewarding the first 1-2 barks, then i check on the offender, end with a “thank you, that’s enough”

    @mauricio512 ooohhh i love this. we have a barker. i'm going to try this
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @ramin This describes our dog. She is non stop with fetch and at one point we thought she’d slow down when she got tired. NOPE. She does let little “tells” show eventually like laying down but then she’ll act like she’s not done. Thanks for the tips on how to slow them down!
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @imagebeastmarkbeast A lot of ppl are commenting that they mix this in to fetch. We do too, we have her sit before she’ll throw it again. And make her bring it to us before we throw it, too. She actually throws it back which is my favorite thing ever.
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    End of the road

    @moniquetrenchfield “Loving something broken is impossibly hard.” A beautiful statement on life in general 💕
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @srepeehcs Yes! She’s 50-pounds and honestly I never imagined myself with a dog this big, but so much for making plans ay? The size makes all the difference. Her bark is loud too. I love her very much, even with her extra special ways of saying hi lol
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @srepeehcs So far we think she’s leash reactive to dogs and humans. I’ve seen her greet a stranger off leash (human) and dog thru a chain link fence very happily and calmly. She barks at mailmen with a vengeance, and barks at new people in our home but so far it’s been a loud way of yelling...
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @stephen_nz Love this. She came to us at 11 with a clear understanding of what’s hers in the house and what’s not. She definitely tried to actually murder a cat that came into our yard (and got what she deserved in return). I love the “go to your box” cue, I’m going to try that. I wish her toys...
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    Training suggestions for working with my partner’s leash-reactive dog?

    @micah1 At first I’d say try and avoid her triggers. If you see one before she does, start giving her those treats or start walking the other direction (that’s just “management” which is sometimes the best you can do). If she’s to the point of being wound up (it’s called past her threshold)...
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @markatki She gets the full mouth “grin” situation with heavy panting with tongue hanging out, but she’ll still do sit, come, drop it, lay down. So to me it seems like she’s not losing her mind, or hyper-aroused. Would you agree?
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    Entitled dog walkers

    @citywolf that lady thinks everything revolves around her
  16. P

    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @monk58 Thank you ❤️ I’ll take a look at those books!
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    It happened! And bc of this group I was prepared

    @hunter16rolltide Yes!! It’s so cool to experience it and hear from all the ppl commenting. I hope it makes a difference the next time I try and beat myself up for having a reactive dog and thinking I’m not good enough at caring for her!
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @anthony70 Oh warming up first. Very good call. What does that look like for you guys? I’d say our girl doesn’t equate the ball with an animal either.
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    It happened! And bc of this group I was prepared

    @hancha Hahahaha “suddenly no longer mentally ill” - EXACTLY.
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    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    @bibleloverbill I feel like I should know this but which professional prescribed that medication? Vet behaviorist?