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  1. 1

    What have I done?

    @streetcrusader Cutie.
  2. 1

    Just because a food is expensive and popular doesn't mean it's better!

    @sharrylee Wow, going against the WSAVA establishment. We will speak of your bravery.
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    Zoomies in Hurricane Hillary

    @andya1996 added pics to original post. 😊
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    Zoomies in Hurricane Hillary

    My pup has a secret life as a rain enthusiast and storm chaser. I caught him glued to the balcony window, practically mesmerized and whining over the downpour. And the moment I cracked open the front door to grab an Amazon package (poor delivery guy), he saw his chance! Faster than a cat...
  5. 1

    At what age do puppies stop trying to eat E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G?

    @supescritter My SO has a 4 year old, ate a lego piece which caused blockage, and had to get it removed by the Vet. So, probably never?