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  1. R

    Feeling like a failure - reactive doggo

    @blesseddaughteroflight Yes my dog would get super excited and refuse all food because he was so fixated on getting to where he wanted to get to play, explore,investigate whatever. Once over the threshold...
  2. R

    Feeling like a failure - reactive doggo

    @blesseddaughteroflight You are doing amazing! I have a couple of books to recommend as well. If nothing else at least go through Control Unleashed. I have the first version of this book and it helped me so much as far as teaching my dog self control and helping me understand how to train...
  3. R

    Suddenly sick dog

    @lightlight Did the vets mention anything about pancreatitis?
  4. R

    Lepto diagnosis?

    @catholic_with_a_mic I would write down any questions that I had and call the clinic back and ask to talk to the vet. If they aren't available leave a message with your questions and ask them to please call you back. I hate it when I go in and the visit goes sideways and I get hit with...