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  1. S

    He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

    @candimarie Wow! Now I want to ask if he needs to go outside in our hallway to see if he can set ours off. Our Nest smoke detector is close to the doorbell and the smoke alarm has triggered it before.
  2. S

    He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

    @rod288 This is definitely a conversational bark because he has a deeper, rumbly one for strangers and anything he feels is out of place. Before this week, he was mostly a grumbler when he wanted to tell us something. I miss those days!
  3. S

    He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

    Our little guy has found his voice in the last couple days, but O.M.G. is it high pitched! Please tell me it's going to come down a bit as he grows. Don't let the thickness fool you, he's a soprano...