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  1. C

    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @jowel Yes we get tips. Bathers don’t get as many but I’ve received $20 a couple times and it feels nice although $5 is more common. Groomers on the other hand receive more frequently. It is a lot of work though and bathers receive hourly so going to academy is seen as the end goal here but you...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Omfg this sounds so relatable. My salon leader told me that as I get better and faster, nails should only take 5 mins but in reality, you need to dedicate time to ask all the questions, have them sign off, do the hands-on and then tie the dog up, etc etc etc. it takes so...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @lotwt Yeah I see dog groomers on TikTok share their techniques to make it go faster, but doing 9 dogs is so much labour. On top of that, my salon leader always has an attitude and just annoying af in general. Thanks for the tips
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @basiloil143 whaaat I thought all bather positions were atleast 18-19? You are being SEVERELY underpaid intact $18 isn’t even enough for all the stuff we do. It sucks, bathers receive so much shit. Are you in Canada or US? Definitely discuss with them about pay increases
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @bsingeorgia THISS. The first day I stepped foot into the salon I was so overwhelmed, and the salon leader was telling me to stand by a groomer and “learn” what they do because she, herself, didn’t have time to show me around since everyone was so busy. I was never taught how to work the...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @michaela71 You’re so right. Petsmart also has a “look great guarantee” so customers could just throw a fit and demand additional work be done. We barely have time to adequately spend on each dog, let alone having to tailor to each customer and ask “is it to your satisfaction” like no, I...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @bytor The good thing with petsmart right now, is that they hired me fully knowing I have classes each semester, and have another job, so they are fine with me working 1-2 days/week. I’m not trying to invest a lot of time into this career path because I don’t know how I feel about all this yet...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @bytor Yeah I agree with you. The problem is that I only work there 2 days a week at most, and we all must have an Addon percentage of 20% before they consider. There’s already 2 other bathers who got hired before me awaiting academy. I will have to suffer through this for at least 7 more months...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @ingramk Wow typical petsmart behaviour. They don’t even want to hire and pay bathers anyone, just use the already hired associates so they can maximize profits.
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 My management is so bad. My salon leader gives me side eyes when I try to leave for my 15 min break. I often don’t take it at all because there’s always something to do, but even when I’m done all my dogs, she tells me to help around with other peoples, or sweep the...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @amylw Tips for me are like $20 in 4 days. Most don’t tip. Coworkers are good for me, but I just can’t with my salon leader. She terrifies me and treats me like I don’t know anything, constantly lecturing me and repeating herself. Everyday I come in just wishing she wasn’t here, otherwise I can...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @amylw So what do you recommend then? I see this exact same situation at my petsmart and I’m surprised the groomers are continuing to stay after working for decades
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @mutambo I went to complain about my salon lead yesterday to the store manager and she acted like it wasn’t a big deal. My salon lead basically told me I need to give more hours otherwise I won’t have a job anymore, completely unprofessional. Everytime I come in to work, I see the salon lead and...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @muzikgurl Yeah we can decline walk in nails if we’re busy
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @esodam The constant phone calls drive me nuts. We’re told to attend to the phones at all times. Put your stuff away and attend to them. So when I’m the only one in the front with the other staff in the back bathing, I’m doing the nails of a difficult dog I had to muzzle, and have 2 other dogs...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @genna Why did you leave petsmart if you worked there for 6 yrs
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @jcc19240 ok wow that’s pretty good. I mean 300/day is almost like some doctors or medical professionals wow
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @jcc19240 Basically about $21/hr? Why’d my salon lead tell me some groomers working at my location make about 300/day doing 6-7 dogs?
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @jcc19240 How much do you make as a groomer now
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @genna Wow 6 years. My salon leader is getting pushy about giving up more days for this and in the end, I might have to become a full time groomer here which is something I don’t want to do. I want to be part time but also have another job. I guess I have to decide now if this is something I...