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  1. P

    Permanent shedding

    @tcoburn Sorry to inform you of this but the good news is mine sheds only once per year. Bad news is it lasts for 364 days and 23 hours. Add a day for leap year.
  2. P

    I messed up leash training, how do I fix it?

    @kathleenloveschrist Well my answer is don't force it. Mine simply does not like leashes. It would be like getting radishes to grow on vines.
  3. P

    I messed up leash training, how do I fix it?

    @kathleenloveschrist My dog trained me...that is to not have her on a leash. It has never been a problem. You don't say what kind of exercise regimen you have him on, but 'walks' are absolutely not exercise. My dog would run free for 30-40 miles every time I went for a walk. We had a greenway I...