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    Dog killed a rabbit

    @tinamichelle Haha so true. The dog KNOWS his punishment, even though it wasn't meant to be.
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    Dog killed a rabbit

    @harpazo56 The baby bunny was probably the size of a mouse, at best. They're TINY.
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    Dog killed a rabbit

    @harpazo56 I LOVE Doxies... they are such sweet little puppers, but very misunderstood. They need the same treatment/stmulation as big doggos, but few people get it.
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    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    @healiheal777 This is the way. My dog (labrador) gets bathed with dog shampoo maybe twice a year, but she gets dunked (by her own doing, in a creek) a few times a week. She doesn't smell, and while I just googled how often a labrador should be bathed and it said every 4-6 weeks 😳, that does...
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    Dog killed a rabbit

    @christianjmu Ahhh ok thanks... I didn't know about mummifying so I was all around confused lol.
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    Dog killed a rabbit

    @christianjmu Gone, like gone from the place he was in, or gone like he was dead?!
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    Do vets always sedate dogs for a chest x-ray?

    @ernestcop Seconding this. Sedating a dog, especially a large dog, is definitely necessary, in order to get accurate radiographs. It's not even a discussion, to be honest. Have you expressed to your vet the issues around her coughing?
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    My neighbours don’t treat their dog well, what can I do?

    @geoffrey300 That's a bold jump. A dog with no social interaction, physical exercise, or mental stimulation is a neglected dog. While I realize that shelters are overloaded and dogs are euthanized daily, for absolutely NO reason, due to overpopulation, that's not an excuse to keep a dog in...
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    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    @bjyovino I have an AMAZING backseat setup that covers the seats, back and front, has a mesh part behind the centre console that can zip down, but also the dog can see through if you keep it up... the bottom part on the seat has a flat piece that's supportive, so my pup doesn't slide around...
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    My neighbours don’t treat their dog well, what can I do?

    @devandt I mean... that sounds like neglect. Which unfortunately isn't necessarily enough, depending where you are, but it's definitely worth pursuing. Given the fact that you offered to help and were turned down, I don't think exploring animal cruelty regulations in your area is a bad idea...
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    My neighbours don’t treat their dog well, what can I do?

    @devandt But leaving him to live outdoors, when the temperature can go 0... and are you in the US?!? Because I live in Canada, and 0 is the freezing point, so I can only imagine how much colder 0 is in Celsius!! I would strongly argue against being "cared for" - the dog doesn't get any...
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    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    @alexrcraig Right?! I know I'll be finding her hair for many years after she's gone... and I'll probably cry each time...
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    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    @alexrcraig Omg the nose smears... 😭
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    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    @clomar 100% agree. The hair, the dirt here and there.... there's still no trade-off for my pup.
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    Meal Aggression?

    @godiscomingmyway I would separate them while feeding. Adopted pupper doesn't know the difference between needing to guard their food, and now there's competition for the food with foster pup. Adopted pup is resource guarding, and needs to learn that food will never stop, regardless of whether...