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  1. G

    6yo Pomeranian diet change (around 6 pounds)

    @dieneman Please use something like “just food for dogs”. They got DIY kits with the vitamins/minerals and a detailed recipe. You can cause serious long term harm to your dog by feeding unbalanced diets. You sure the hair loss is diet? Have you ruled out things like hyperthyroidism?
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    Low calorie meal topper home made

    @pbev That is a great idea thank you!
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    Low calorie meal topper home made

    I have been putting a meal topper on my girl’s food (70ish lbs dutch shep mix). I was giving her 0.25 cup of Stella and Chewy per feed, but she doesn’t really need it. I was adding it for extra bulk. She is a bit on the chonky side so she doesn’t need the extra calories. She is by no means huge...
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    Do not use Farmer’s Dog! It can give your dog pancreatitis!

    @algneral Thanks for what you do. Yeah people fall for the advertising and reading misleading labels. My girl is in top health and has been on Hill’s for years. The bloodwork and UA I get her yearly shows it. A lot of boutique brand places seem to be anti vet/vaccine. It’s sad. Proper and timely...
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    Do not use Farmer’s Dog! It can give your dog pancreatitis!

    @shanekeeslar They also accuse kibble companies and vets “being in it for the money” yet they charge way more so it’s the same thing??
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    Feeding methods

    @asrob My dog is on portioned meals. It keeps her at a healthy weight and lets me monitor how much she is eating. It also makes her bathroom trips fairly predictable and lets me make sure her stools are normal. A good quality kibble is all you need. You don’t need raw. Dogs are domesticated and...
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    I can’t tell if my dog isn’t getting enough to eat with Ollie food subscription or just begging to beg

    @niall28 Someone correct me if I am wrong but “just food for dogs” meets Wasava. You can even buy kits to cook it yourself and be in nutritional guidelines. I personally use Hills or RC. Works for my dogs.
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    I can’t tell if my dog isn’t getting enough to eat with Ollie food subscription or just begging to beg

    @brennanskates I couldn’t imagine feeding a working dog a non calorie dense kibble. The portions would be insane. My male eats a little over 2k calories a day and is still lean.
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    I'm going to try rotational feeding with my dog and I have some questions for the crowd

    @malabbott Salmon oil is great for the coat and joints. I like Grizzly oil, but really there are many to choose from. Dasuquin tablets are good if your dog has hip/joint issues. My dog is on both but she is 8 and some change. She started a few years back. I can’t help with the rotational...
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    Argh!!! Victor recall!!!!

    @mjr88 I’d be really annoyed if they said that to me. It’s unprofessional.
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    Other dogs sick from Ollie?

    @becky411234 That’s why you can’t trust these instagram/social media brands. Their response to your concerns is bullshit. This really does sound like the food itself.
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    Other dogs sick from Ollie?

    @tery Yeah after all the research I have done I too have my dog on those. You know what? She does great on the Hill’s version I choose and her labwork is perfect in her older age.
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    Hydrolized Dog Food

    @fhf1 If they write you a script and you get it off chewy or whatever no one is getting a commission. Anything held in office will always have a slight markup. Cause of shelf space.