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  1. G

    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @freerangechristian Thank you so much! Love your insight - yes, I saw that there a lot of cheap knockoffs, so I made sure to order an HS branded one; I felt the prongs, and they were blunter than any other I've felt at the pet store.
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Omg, THIS. When we were using the front-clip, the trainer showed both of us how to give a proper correction (quick pop of the leash when he stepped out of heel, not pulling/dragging). However, we are both small people and do not have a lot of upper body strength (the trainer...
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @soulstorm87 Thank you! Can you give a little more detail about getting "neck hard"? It sounds like what happened was that he got so great you began letting him tug/pull just a little bit, and then he started pulling a bit harder again even on the prong - is that correct?
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @bojan Thank you! Yes, that was such a hardcore realization when I first started working with him - leash-walking is such a "human" concept and not a dog one, and I really had to set my expectations around that instead of letting myself fall into the trap of, "You're so smart with everything...
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @heiwa This is exactly what I experienced. Like you, I'm not going to get my hopes up too high just yet; we only did one walk, he'd been playing a lot with my friend earlier so he was tired, and our environment was pretty low-stim. But he did SO MUCH better on it than even the first time I used...
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @spectrehallow Funny you say that about the neck - our trainer was the one of the folks recommending a prong collar, and demonstrated that it does not cause any damage by tightening one around their arm. And to your other point, that's my goal with this guy. He has shown that he can master/proof...
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @justjem Thank you! That makes me feel much better. That's more or less what I figured - I am not using it to try and fix reactivity, I'm using it with the goal of improving our communication and getting him to understand that good things happen when he listens to me (no pulling=loose leash).
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    Hey all! I've got an 8 month old Lab/Aussie mix puppy. He's incredibly smart and has picked up most commands (sit, down, place, wait, etc) very quickly. However, he's pretty brutal on the leash. He's about 50 pounds and is a strong boy, and pulls almost every step of the way. We have him in a...