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  1. J

    A question on chew toys

    @lostinflux My golden is the same way. Looooves to tear apart the softies. i wish i could afford to buy more for her (at her pace, even the dollar store kind tend to rack up a bill), but as trackintree said, just be sure you continue supervision and keep up with the "drop it" command!
  2. J

    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    @gjk123 You're welcome! I'd add that what another commenter said is probably entirely correct--start crate training from the beginning. Sucks, but you'll likely have better results that way.
  3. J

    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    @gjk123 If you think the crate might be too big, it's definitely too big. That was actually my first thought on reading the post. Is there any way you could add a solid divider into the crate to make it a little smaller? A lot of crate brands do sell a divider for the puppies who start out small...