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  1. G

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    @mylife4his I’m not sure why exactly he’s testing you now in this manner but those are promising reactions to you not giving in. If you’re ensuring he’s getting equal time getting exercise and uninterrupted attention from you as before when he was most happy, then you can give yourself...
  2. G

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    @mylife4his Barking and whining in the way you describe isn’t being aggressive. He is showing insolence, sure, which is usually reinforced by the owner giving in. What does he do when you ignore his demands?
  3. G

    Dog hasn’t eaten in weeks

    @fliperacci901 What’s her behavior like around the food bowl? Does she look terrified? I had to help my dachshund through meal shyness that caused her to barely eat. My ex wife’s dog used to attack my dog when food was involved. When they left, she was totally fine. When my roommate moved in...