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  1. P

    Please stop sending your puppies to doggie daycare w/ the expectation that they’re going to receive training while there

    @heartfire Some do offer a $15 enrichment where they take your dog aside for 20-30min and try and teach them fetch or leave it or touch or whatever you ask. I doubt it's any good though.
  2. P

    eCollars Save Lives

    @deryon So the idea behind what you're saying is that the dog needs an e collar on at all times, right?
  3. P

    eCollars Save Lives

    @leafar The studies are not what OP thinks they are either. I'm struggling to find one that compares two grouos of dogs. Sure punishment works. I'm not sure anyone ever says that it doesn't. The question is does it work faster and better. This study that compares both methods showed positive...
  4. P

    My dog incessantly scratches or barks at my door every morning and night. Any advice/help appreciated!

    @dynamis777 Have you tried a little crate in the bedroom? Make him a little nook?