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  1. N

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics Just a professional pet groomer who sees people like you every DAY ! Change your attitude and maybe your groomer won’t kick you out lol all of us are getting tired of you high demand doodle owners that’s why your dogs are 150 and up - it’s not the dogs . It’s you. Buddy !
  2. N

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics All doodle owners are the same - just let your groomer shave him and start over . You’re already a typical doodle owner with your long post about saving coat and saying your dog got matted over night lol but pop off
  3. N

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics You’re worried about ruining a doodle coat 😂😂💀💀💀