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  1. N

    I’m losing my mind

    @1wo Thank you for this advice! We had not tried putting a blanket over the crate yet as I read a few places online that it wasn’t advised for snub nosed breeds however as you said, I could try and keep one side open to allow airflow. I had not heard of adding your own clothes in and I will...
  2. N

    I’m losing my mind

    @coloradoguy We had not tried covering the crate as we read a few places online that it wouldn’t be advised for snub nosed breeds however that could be websites being extra cautious. Perhaps if we covered it and left one side open that could be an option! Thank you for the advice
  3. N

    I’m losing my mind

    We have a 7 month old Pug who we have been crate training for 5 months now. He still cries constantly when you put him in at night and he wakes up every couple of hours crying and barking. Sometimes the crying can last 45 minutes - 1 hour before he tires himself out and falls asleep. We have...