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  1. V

    Help keeping poodle coats detangled and cutting down on brush time?

    @tomdrew Do you use a detangling spray when brushing? I find that really helps. If they wear a harness or coat that might be causing friction and tangles. Could be worth it to brush those spots out right after a walk.
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    My puppy won't stop eating poop, it's ruining my relationship with my fiancé

    @givemeareason Dogs don't grow out of eating poop. It is not a natural behaviour phase and is one that needs work to stop it. It is a behaviour that is very self rewarding just like barking or scavenging food. It is also a very easy way for dogs to contract disease, illness, and parasites from...
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    Why can’t people leave me and my reactive puppy alone?

    @rich4u2 I think this was just a really poor mismatch of expectations for the place you chose to train at. I am going to be very blunt. Dog parks are not the best places to go to find responsable dog savy people. It is why dog trainers, vets, and ethical dog breeder say to no go to them. Yes you...