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  1. B

    1.5 years old now, and he’s been a terror lately. thought it was supposed to get better around now?

    @createchangeedu we do trick and command training like roll over, leave it, stay, hush it, lay down and he’s rewarded with food (very very food motivated)
  2. B

    1.5 years old now, and he’s been a terror lately. thought it was supposed to get better around now?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast i am really digging all of this input and advice, you’re hitting the nail on the head. Sounds like my guy needs some more discipline (not physical) but structured discipline so he can learn some manners. Thank you so much
  3. B

    1.5 years old now, and he’s been a terror lately. thought it was supposed to get better around now?

    We’ve had our boy since 8 weeks old. I love him to pieces but he is just the tasmanian devil lately. I don’t mind the high energy, we play (fetch non stop he’s an addict and I wish we wouldn’t have allowed this fetch obsession), we do our own little training sessions at home, he gets kongs...