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  1. F

    Please just be honest with me

    @dardan Honestly these reactivity issues do not sound bad, and will probably lessen once she becomes more confident and comfortable. She is so cute. I bet you can find her a good home if you post on Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, the sub for the city you live in, ask at doggy daycare to post a...
  2. F

    Please just be honest with me

    @asudhaka Please don't drop her off at the shelter. Unfortunately in many shelters a bully mix is like a death sentence, they have a hard time getting adopted out
  3. F

    Is your dog affecting your decision to have kids?

    @dlmoodyfan I have a reactive dog with 3 kids. Most of the time my dog is pretty good, but I can never leave him alone with the small kids. He actually likes kids but he's unpredictable so I always have to watch him. I also have to put him away when my kids' friends come over. It honestly only...
  4. F

    Dear allergies, FU. Debating about switching meds, advice needed

    @yakung Good luck, my boy has all food allergies and I actually cured them without meds, thank god. Life has been eaiser. I found a non prescription hydrolyzed protein food (cheaper. The prescription one is so expensive and you need to pay for the vet) and put him on that for 2 months, his...