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    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    @imagebeastmarkbeast i would still be wary of leaving him in a crate even with the breakaway collar. does he have enough room to generate enough force to actually get it to break away if necessary? I'm just imagining how much space my dog takes up when he's trying to pull and it seems like...
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    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    @mugen when i did take my dog to daycare they took collars off of the dogs in the play area because of how dangerous it is. i can't believe they would require martingale collars
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    Boyfriend's large puppy attacked my 9y.o doxie x

    @julew Nose work is a great activity for high energy dogs. Helps them focus and gives them confidence.
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    Boyfriend's large puppy attacked my 9y.o doxie x

    @julew If his dog was legitimately trying to kill your dog I would recommend a behaviorist to get the dog evaluated. Very few dogs attack without reason. He needs to find out if this dog is a serious danger. If it was just rough play, you boyfriend needs to work on training more often and...
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    Boyfriend's large puppy attacked my 9y.o doxie x

    @julew Was it a full on trying to kill your dog attack, or very rough playing? My advice would be different depending on what happened.