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  1. P

    My Family’s Dog is Afraid Of Me, I’d Like To Help Her Feel More Comfortable

    @oxhu Maybe once she becomes a little more comfortable with me, I’ll take her on walks! No one in my family walks her, only Milo, for some reason. We live on a farm so she has plenty of space to run around and play, but a structured walk time would be good for her and promote a little bonding...
  2. P

    My Family’s Dog is Afraid Of Me, I’d Like To Help Her Feel More Comfortable

    @cultureconfusion Thank you for your advice! I was hesitant interacting with her because I didn’t want to scare her even more. Hopefully she’ll feel comfortable approaching me when I get down to her level. I’ll bring treats, but I’m not hopeful on her taking any, she’s not very food motivated...
  3. P

    My Family’s Dog is Afraid Of Me, I’d Like To Help Her Feel More Comfortable

    @lilymaid This has been one of my favourite pieces of advice, honestly. I’ve been starting to get a little worried when I’m around her lately, and I was concerned my energy was also affecting her. She has been a lot more comfortable with taking treats when I throw them past her at a distance...
  4. P

    My Family’s Dog is Afraid Of Me, I’d Like To Help Her Feel More Comfortable

    @austinrnewton I really appreciate the advice about petting from underneath! I’m not good with dog behaviour, and what may seem obvious to a person with dogs, I’m completely oblivious to. I’m trying my best to learn, but I’ve never had dogs scared of me before. I worry that I’m making her time...
  5. P

    My Family’s Dog is Afraid Of Me, I’d Like To Help Her Feel More Comfortable

    My family has a young mixed breed, predominantly a shepherd mix named Roxie. She’s about a medium sized dog. I’m not really a dog person, but I do love them! I just don’t understand their behaviours. I don’t discipline her or mistreat her in any way. Typically we just leave one another alone...