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  1. E

    Desperate Need for Pittsburgh Area Trainer for newly adopted dog

    @joy9 Haven't worked with her directly but was recommended to me for another person. I'd suggest interviewing with a few trainers. Ask what they do when a dog makes a mistake. A good answer here is "there are no mistakes, we ignore it and reduce...
  2. E

    [Fluff] Does your country have dog naming "rules"?

    @unapprec That last one...
  3. E

    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @romans82 I love it. Fletcher has good humans. If I was writing mine, it would be: "The shiba has very conflicted emotions about humans. He knows you have treats and he wants them very badly, but he is also afraid of you. So while he will run up to you very closely, he truly does not want to...