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  1. N

    Am I bad owner?

    @soundcloudtomp3 Stick to food that follows WSAVA guidelines. Raw is a trend right now, but unless you’re working with a nutritionist it’s easy to feed your dog a raw diet that doesn’t meet their basic nutritional needs. Bad breath is normal as dogs age. Talk to your vet about doing a dental...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @christopherb Yup. My frustration was twofold- I think the comments weren’t visible to the guy who made the post, so he learned nothing, and the moderator was condescending and ultimately unhelpful. To clarify, when I say tug the leash, I mean to get their attention, not a correction.
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    Urgent advice please! Staying with family and my dog gets triggered by hyper child

    @nafis4268 You need to keep your dog away from C. This means crating or keeping him in a separate room when C is home. It sucks, but it’s temporary. Your dog is lunging and biting a child. Any more escalation will have severe consequences for your dog. Stop allowing your dog to be around C.
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @christopherb Yup. I got told off by a mod for saying that I would tell my dog no and tug on his leash once- apparently the word “no” counts as aversive and isn’t allowed. The post was from a guy whose dog was mounting humans randomly on walks, and the post only had automod comments on it. Super...
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    Y’all, don’t use easywalk harnesses!

    @cathya IMO harnesses and head collars should always be attached to the dog’s collar with a safety tie. I’m not a fan of easy walk harnesses because, in my experience, many people don’t fit them correctly, but a dog can slip out of almost any harness if they’re determined enough. I understand...
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    What are your favorite toys for destructive chewers?

    @secretpk I’ve had a lot of luck with tuffy toys and with the kong fox toy specifically (I got the fox a year and a half ago and finally had to replace it- after my dog, former roommate’s dog, and three fosters all destroyed it). My dog also loves benebones. If she’s chewing out of boredom, you...
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    What kinds of things would you like to see from a gym, pet supply shop or other business that caters to reactive dogs?

    @applefaceee This is very specific, but I would love to see a better variety of muzzles in brick-and-mortar stores. One of my dogs is a bite risk and the other is a scavenger, and the scavenger has kind of an oddly shaped snout. It was a pain to find the right muzzle for her online. Being able...
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    My Dog Won’t Eat

    @jhm59 Talk to your vet to rule out pain or discomfort. The more you add stuff to his kibble, the pickier he’ll be. When you add high value treats to his kibble you’re essentially teaching him that if he refuses to eat, you’ll give him high values. If you just got him a week ago, he’s still...
  9. N

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @jc44 Dogs don’t think of things the way we do. They explore the world primarily through smell. Even if they’re walking the same routes, the smells and sounds change between each walk. You could do different routes to add variety, but the same routes aren’t boring to him the way they are to your...
  10. N

    Bad Dog Owner? Or Overprotective Dad?

    @glove I agree. Any dog, even a sweet and friendly one, can bite under the right circumstances. Being towered over, grabbed, and hit by an unfamiliar person would have been the right circumstances for a different dog. Harry’s lucky Gordo was chill about it.
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    Extreme Fear of Ticks - Trouble removing ticks from my doggo. (Help?)

    @handess1 Yeah, my roommate’s dog got covered in seed ticks on a camping trip last year. Two baths with flea and tick shampoo later they were just falling off of him, which was disgusting but effective!
  12. N

    Getting a dog with a full time job?

    @kim2116 Most adult dog owners work full time. The dog will be fine as long as you’re meeting its needs (physical exercise, mental stimulation, training and structure) when you are home. An adult dog will have an easier time holding its bladder and bowels during the day, so I’d recommend an...
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    Extreme Fear of Ticks - Trouble removing ticks from my doggo. (Help?)

    @handess1 I’m in Missouri and our tick seasons have been crazy bad for the last couple of years. When I first got my dog I had him on frontline but the first hike we went on he got completely covered in ticks. My vet suggested switching to the seresto collar and we’ve been able to go on hikes...
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    Bad Dog Owner? Or Overprotective Dad?

    @glove I think you’re correct in your assessment that Gordo could be better trained, but I also think Harry overstepped in a big way. I have a policy of not handling other peoples dogs unless I’m familiar with the dogs and owners, or it’s an emergency. If I saw a friend’s dog snatch food off a...
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    Dog won’t eat but will drink.

    @gordon_b If your dog has suddenly stopped eating for days, take her to the vet.
  16. N

    Extreme Fear of Ticks - Trouble removing ticks from my doggo. (Help?)

    @misterboy What flea and tick prevention are you using? My dog got ticks while using frontline, but he’s never gotten them while wearing a seresto collar. If you aren’t already, you can also give him a monthly bath with flea and tick shampoo. I’m sorry, but you need to start doing tick checks...