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  1. D

    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @thejazzywriter I get what you mean, about how some thoughts or feelings are like a signal to check-in with ourselves. And I totally get the desire to make good on a commitment. But it’s all a balance, and I think the balance can tip pretty far in one direction without really recognizing it...
  2. D

    I’m two weeks in and I think I’m beyond the puppy blues at this point. I don’t think I can do this

    @thejazzywriter I saw you mentioned you were having suicidal thoughts as a result of the deterioration of your mental health from having the puppy. If that’s the case, I would recommend giving the puppy back to the breeder. Puppies aren’t for everyone, and even for people who love puppies...
  3. D

    my puppy died today

    @gavino The trauma of that morning you were playing, my heart hurts for that you had to go thru that. I’ve had dogs and puppies and foster dogs my whole life, and fwiw it didn’t sound like it had anything to do with you being new to dogs. It sounds like you’re healing, thankfully ❤️