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  1. Y

    Is my puppy growing too fast? 0.5kg in 2 days! Also, signs of hip dysplasia?

    @joyousli At one point my puppy gained 7-8 lbs in 2 weeks! I was just floored and really concerned like you. My pup also does the bunny hop thing because we have two small steps leading to the door and I think it’s just out of excitement to get inside as fast as he can. Everyone I’ve asked +...
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    Please, I beg of you, RESEARCH your dog trainer before just going to the cheapest place or the ‘highest reviewed’ place

    @eront I was interested in dog sports so I went to an AKC trial before I got my puppy. Talked to the people there, some who were trainers themselves, observed how they treated their dog before and after trialing. The trial facility also had their own training program - eventually ended up...
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    “Sir...this is not PetSmart...”

    @ralitza Lol, I had a similar experience at the start of quarantine. Family ordered takeout from a Mexican place. I was sent to pick it up. Never been there before, but I just typed the address into my GPS. When I got there, manager said there was no order waiting. Puzzled over it for 5...