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  1. A

    My dogs won't stop pottying on the floor!

    @mariab97 We have to stand outside with them anyway because two of those jerks like to escape out the fence and joyride around the neighborhood. One of them gets put on a lead, but the dumb one is just dumb enough that if we say his name when he's thinking of escaping, he'll come to us. We...
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    My dogs won't stop pottying on the floor!

    So, I know this is our fault. Our dogs are not super well trained. To be fair, they haven't had to be before this. Things have been fine up until now. My roommate and I have five dogs between us plus one foster dog. The foster dog and my older dog are not the problem. They are very good at...
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    My dog is scared of her friend!

    @jeffstarrunner1 Thank you so much. We're going to have to do something, because it happened again today. No one got hurt, but this sudden shift in behavior is alarming.
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    My dog is scared of her friend! So I have these two dogs (don't mind the floor, it's impossible to keep it clean with these monsters). The top is a mini american shepherd named Chibi and the bottom is her bff...