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  1. O

    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast But you were worried about connotations. "Holistic" has a very strong connotation of woo and 'alternative' medicine and so forth.
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke But the other guy was saying that the tools are fundamentally aversives and that's correct. Sure, you can create a niche use where they're not, but it's misleading at best to try to categorize them differently on the basis of that niche. Here's another example: I could say I use...
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    Super Reactive in House, getting worse

    @chinyereukoha My German Shepherds are pretty responsive to being corrected when they bark inappropriately. You'll want to establish a word association for them and pair that with a firm command to stop it (e.g. "NO bark"). If someone is coming to my door, I'm fine with them barking. But, if...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke What if I jump rope with the dog leash and never attach it to my dog's collar? I mean, if all you're doing is using such a low level stim that it's not aversive at all, and you're opposed to aversives, then, yea, don't call yourself a balanced trainer. You'd just be misleading people...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke I just don't like the word "balanced" period, lol. It's annoying to me in any context. It's basically one of two things: A vacuous descriptor because everyone thinks whatever they prefer is the perfect balance. Basically, I have found the true and proper balance and everyone who...